Are you having the same fight over and over?
Maybe your partner feels faraway sometimes, even though they’re right in front of you
Or you’re trying so hard, and it still feels like you can’t get anything right

If you’re feeling hopeless right now, or wondering if it’s time to separate, I get it; I've been there myself. And, I genuinely believe that it’s worth trying a good relationship counsellor before you take that step

Let’s talk about it. You can book a free 20-minute call with me, right now


You might be stuck in a pattern where you try so hard, but somehow only make it worse. I hold open a space where you can ditch your role in the pattern and show up just as yourself. At some moments, it feels like meeting each other again


I work with all people, but I am often sought out by people who experience marginalisation: LGBTQIA+ people, polyamorous people, people who are racialised, or who experience disability or neurodivergence

I am delighted to work not just with those who are sexual partners, but also friends, (prospective) co-parents, family members, ex-partners: any people who want to nourish and strengthen their connection. I work with all relationship configurations, whether you’re single, a couple, a triad, a polycule, or something else


My work with relationships is based on Emotionally-Focused Therapy (EFT), an evidence-based modality that has been scientifically proven to work most of the time, for most people. I have 7+ years of experience delivering therapy to individuals, couples, families and groups, as well as providing workshops, supervision and training to other mental health professionals


Many people seek out relationship counselling when they’re at rock bottom, and if that’s you, I’d love to help — you can book a call with me today. But I also encourage and welcome couples who are doing really well right now. The adage that ‘prevention is better than cure’ also applies in the case of relationship health. Taking EFT early in your relationship lays the foundations for a lasting, secure love

“I feel so much more centred in myself... 
now I feel like I can inhabit my own body 
and make choices from there.... 
there’s so much less work.” —FB

“My whole life I haven’t trusted myself
and now I’m beginning to trust myself
a bit... and it’s paying off” —SA

“Therapy with you is 
one of the best things 
I’ve done for myself” —LC


Love and therapy have a few things in common. Both can cause a lot of harm if it’s not the right match, or the right time. And equally, both have the power to heal us, transform us and change our lives. I genuinely enjoy being apart of your process of growing into the love and life that you deserve

Some of the skills and experiences that inform how I’ll show up when I’m supporting you:

  • higher education in Psychotherapy, Psychology and Philosophy, with a focus on attachment-based and somatic therapies
  • years of experience working with complex relationship dynamics, including negative attachment cycles & chronic relationship distress — between partners, within polycules, and within families
  • years of experience working with clients with complex trauma histories; in particular, clients who have experienced sexual assault and/or family violence in childhood and/or adulthood
  • years of experience working with transformative justice frameworks to intervene in situations of interpersonal/intimate partner violence, to create safety for survivors and accountability & change for people who have caused harm
  • a deep love of theatre, dance, movement and other somatic, performative practices

    I’m queer, trans, polyamourous, creative, kinky, sex-positive, and silly. I’m curious about pretty much everything. I’m a dedicated journaller, I love the ocean, I love my friends and I love my job

    Curious about my professional or personal experience, or wondering if I might be able to help you? Book a free 20-minute call with me, you can ask me anything you like